15 Best Real-Life Tips for beginners in Photography

All beginners in photography have some reason to turn to photography. Definitely you would have one for yourself, whether you got your first DSLR camera or you are in awe seeing your friends’ photos on Instagram and Facebook and want your photos to look professional or you are a new mom/dad craving to capture your baby photos for a memoir or you are taking photography as a hobby, there is a day where you take the first step of holding the camera.

This beginning can be overwhelming for you or I must say it was for me. Numbers of questions were running through my mind. Beginners in photography, feel confused at a few questions, and have answers to a few others.

To help you embark on your journey into photography as a beginner, I share with you tips from my own journey and experience that will help you enjoy this process and master the skill over time.

What to expect initially, as a beginner in Photography

1. Goose- Bumps:

Cameras are complicated devices when you hold them for the first time it feels overwhelming. The buttons may give you goosebumps, this feeling is quite normal, so don’t lose heart, over time you will learn these functions.

2. Self-doubt, can I do it?

This feeling is quite similar to the one I had when I first started to learn to drive a car. The controls looked so confusing, but after some practice everything became easy. Photography is somewhat similar to driving, you only learn when you start, so take out your camera and just go out and shoot.

3. What to shoot:

Initially do not think too much about what to shoot, which genre will be best for you, how to get the perfect-looking shot you saw on Instagram. Just go out and shoot whatever you find interesting, a flower in the backyard, the cloud formation in the sky, landscape, the neighborhood street, your car in the parking lot, your family member, or a toy in your house, as a beginner in photography you can start shooting just about anything that interests you.

4. Average photos:

Initially, you may find your photos uninteresting, they may be blurry, you may not get the framing right. The photos may miss that point of action. This is a common learning curve for all photography beginners, I recommend you to enjoy the learning process.

How to get started:

5. Read your camera manual:

If you want to master a machine, you need to know what it is capable of doing. Your camera manual is an important document where you can learn the capabilities and limitations of your gear. You will get to know each button and what function it can perform. I have purchased lots of camera gear, every time I get a new camera body for myself, I read the manual five-six times. I recommend this to all beginners in photography, and this will help you get creative in your approach while shooting.

6. Start in auto mode:

Forget the complex settings of the camera, just dial to the auto mode and start shooting. Auto mode is a good starting point if you are new to the camera. This mode will take care of all the settings for getting that perfect exposure. You only need to care about pointing the camera at the subject and shoot.

7. Rule of third:

The composition is an important aspect of photography. As a beginner, you need to learn to compose your photos so that they are appealing. Learn about the ‘RULE OF THIRD’.  Try composing your photos as per this rule. The other trick to learn composition is leading lines, learn about composing photos using leading lines.

8. Exposure triangle:

When you start in auto mode, exposure is determined by the camera. However, if you wish to grow your photography skills, learn about the exposure. How aperture/shutter speed and ISO affect the photo. How these elements can be used creatively.

What should be the level 1 aim for beginners in photography?

9. Understand light:

For all beginners in photography, it is important to develop an eye to understand light. Photography is nothing more than a painting made using light. Look around ordinary things and see how light falling on them makes them look interesting and boring. Visualize every object as if you were to photograph them, how will they look interesting.

10. Click Sharp photos:

The second thing you need to master is clicking sharp images.  Nothing I more satisfying than seeing a photo that is razor sharp with the focus. Blurry images are a big turn off. Learn how to click sharp images. The trick can be simple as holding your breath before pressing the shutter or holding your camera tight. Another alternative is using a tripod, learn which one is best for you.

11. Find your subject of interest:

Learning will be fun when you start enjoying the process. So finding an area of interest is very important. Find the subject you like to shoot and you feel overjoyed. This interest will help you polish your skill of composition and keep you indulged in your newfound passion.

Expand your learning curve

12. Learn by watching others:

In this age of the internet, there are ample resources available where you can learn by seeing other photographers’ work. What they are shooting and how creatively they are shooting subjects. A beginner in photography needs to read a lot about photography, which will widen your horizon of creativity. Internet is full of tutorials and training that will benefit you in taking your skill one level up at every stage.

13. Follow photographer communities on social media:

The internet should be your go-to resource when you plan to learn. Follow communities of photographers on social media, analyze their work, talk to them; most of them will love to guide you in your journey. In the beginning, take inspiration from what others are shooting, then try to create something similar but don’t copy.

14. Take feedback on what you shoot:

Take feedback about your work from fellow photographers on social media platforms. Ask them how to improve on sections you feel are important in your work. Experienced photographers will help you differentiate between good and average photos, so learn from their experience.

15. Master your gear:

Needless to say as a beginner in photography, you need to know your camera gear inside out to realize its full potential. As I said earlier go through the camera manual time and again. Read about the functions and settings and then put these settings to use while you go out and shoot. Master each setting, in different lighting conditions to get creative.


It is important to break all the inhibitions for beginners in photography. Mastering photography just requires practice, this skill cannot be learned just by reading stuff, you need to grab your camera and go out and shoot. You can take inspiration from seeing the work of another photographer over the internet to get creative. Mastering your gear will help you create captivating photos easily.

Thanks for your time, please let me know how much this article helped you getting started in photography in the comments section.

Learn more tips for beginners in Photography here.

Learn tips on travel Photography here

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